A school will be rated Harmful if :
“There is evidence that actions undertaken by this school have led to psychological or physical harm to one or more of its students.”
What does this mean?
First, OFFRED must be in possession of materials or testimony or other proof that the school has acted in a manner that has resulted in demonstrable harm.
Harmful Actions
When a school ‘socially affirms’ a student who identifies as transgender (i.e. the school incorporates the student’s chosen name and pronouns into its day-to-day business), then it has acted so as to cause psychological harm. Should that student go on to be medicalised in pursuit of adhering to the stereotypes associated with their new, false identity, then the student has suffered physical harm.
The Interim Cass Report acknowledges that social transitioning carries significant risk for children. It is specifically noted as “an active intervention…It is not a neutral action” and it warns that taking this step could set vulnerable children on a pathway to more serious and irreversible treatments.
For a detailed examination of the harm of ‘social gender affirmation’ please refer to: Transgender Trend : A childhood is not reversible and also Transgender Trend: Social Transition and Chest Binding
For an examination of what is harmful in the context of the craze of transgender ideation, please read: Detransitioners Should Sue the NHS
Key Points:
Schools, generally, do not have the medical competence to socially affirm a student.
Social affirmation is never in a child’s best interests.
Given the emerging nature of the evidence and the fact that even clinical professionals find it challenging to know whether transition is the right path for the child, it is not reasonable or fair for teachers to have to make this onerous decision alone. It is a decision that can have lifelong and profound consequences for the child. That’s particularly so when the child is harmed as a consequence; especially if social transition were to lead subsequently to binding or medical or surgical procedures, and even more so if done without the knowledge or consent of the child’s parents.
Suella Braverman MP, Attorney General