Submit Evidence

You can help reverse the trend of schools teaching ideological theories as fact by calling out those that do.

Please submit evidence of any school, academy trust or educational setting that you consider to need a rating from OFFRED.

Evidence means an official document or letter from the school that confirms their practices, policies or culture. Evidence can also include your written testimony.

We will review your evidence and, when appropriate, rate the institution according to our rating policies.
We will contact the organisation or school and let them know that we have rated them, we will give them a chance to appeal or accept the rating.
We will not share your information, we only tell schools our rating and the fact we have evidence that meets our criteria.

The whole process takes about three weeks before we publish the rating alongside the name of the school

We appreciate that when ‘naming and shaming’ a school we need to balance duties of care, for more information on this see our Safeguarding Policy.

Any queries? Please email